Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Haircut in Japan: 1800yen

Most people say that haircuts in Japan are expensive, and they are right! If one goes shopping for haircuts, several places will ask for 4000yen ($44) for a generic haircut. When I first heard this, I was shocked. How can common businesses like barbershops get away with charging so much? I asked this to a Japanese friend of mine and he said that it is normal for him. Apparently, Japanese are willing to spend more on haircuts then most other countries in the world. That said, I was able to find some cheaper solutions for myself.

Japan has certain barbers that offer 1000yen ($12) haircuts; though they can sometimes be hard to find. These places offer some of the cheapest haircuts in Japan if one is looking to save money. However, I read that these places will sometimes not offer the traditional Japanese haircut experience. By that, I mean that one might not receive as much attention to detail or the traditional shampoo afterward. Basically, these are the cheap places that most guys go to in Japan. Well, the poor guys anyway.

Which brings us to me. I did not want to pay $44 for a haircut that will only last me for three weeks. I also didn't want to risk a bad haircut by going to a cheap barber. I finally settled on a reasonably priced place near my apartment. The barber was friendly and the haircut only cost me 1800yen ($21).

Not a bad looking guy, wouldn't you say?

Sayonara for now,


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