Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hello everyone, I took a break from the constant studying and went to Osu with some friends. Osu is a very popular shopping district and it lives up to its fame. There are oodles of shops ranging from the generic clothing store to the just bizzare. It is a great location if your looking to lighten your wallet.

Halloween is approaching soon and this week I am on the search for my costume. I have something in mind but I will keep it a suprise for next week.

Missin everyone back home!!!




  1. Interesting video. It is hard to believe you are so far away. How cool to be there. Thanks for the tour. The haunted house was weird.
    What are you going to be for halloween? Do they give out candy there like we do?

  2. I am glad you liked it. I was a zombie samurai if you haven't already seen my last video. What were you... wait... let me guess... Wonder Woman!?! lol. To answer your question, they do not give out candy for Halloween. Not door to door at least. Privacy is a big deal in Japan and most people haven't adopted the whole idea of Halloween yet. Maybe one day...
